Swimming Lessons

The sun shimmers in the water,
Ripples- multihued, are born to move on
to the horizon- part land, part water. 
I, in a stationary train on top of a bridge,
stare out blankly,
and conjure up memories. 
memories of a boat trip in the rains at night,
Raindrops falling in the river.
The sound of water caressing water.

of a boat trip that never happened.

My dreamy gaze scans everything at the fringes
and gets stuck on you.
You- perched on the edge of a boat,
with the rope of a fishing net in hand,
and a pair of legs that paddle.
You- struggling to cope up 
with the net and the task of paddling your boat upstream 
You- with the most insanely beautiful nathni on the nose
that glitters as well as the sun does.

The haul is heavy today.

You row away with your fish smell and tobacco.
And I,
Move on to more sights. 


  1. simply beautiful! welcome back this side of ur writing! :)

  2. Beautifully written Parth :)

  3. Memories of a boat trip that never Happened....


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