Of Endings

 The secret is to know the end before the beginning. 
 The conclusion before the start. 
 The finish before the flag off. 
 The position of the period in a sentence before you think of the first letter to write.  
 The exit before the entry.
 The collapse before the foundation is laid.

 The charm is in knowing the end. Before the beginning.

 You can script a story backwards then. Manufacture a sequence of events so as to make the ending feel which ever way you want it to be felt.

or obvious, 
or overwhelming, 
or depressing, 
or repugnant.

 Even obsolete.

You won't be going through the motions then. A puppet in hands of the thing called fate. Enacting a play whose script you had no say in. You'd actually be living.

Preordained is such a lousy word, I tell you. 


  1. I dont think i would want to know the the end.The art of storytelling, of playing with shadows is easy. But living the story for oneself could feel very different, overbearing. Escapism, some may call it, but i dont want to know the inevitable. Stories can be brutal, characters unforgiving.

    1. @Aishwarya- We dont have to agree, always. I liked your viewpoint but lets just say the capacity to "bear the brutality of life" is subjective to individuals.

  2. there is creative freedom... it's always fun to write wat most wud term heresy



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